

Hi, Eric here. I just thought I'd write an update on my new years resolutions, so here we go.

1. I am 5.3/12 my way to finishing the Bible in for months...only missing two reading days but the catching up the next and when I was sick two days I got more ahead finishing 2 lengthy books.
2. Along side reading my Bible I have a devo I regularily do...lately events have been popping into my life then strangely the devo is exactly about what just happened, a true act of God
3. The iron gym and wiu fit have been working amazingly n yes I use both regularily everyday disiplined about it
4. Still no luck with a girl...I still don't know
5. My video ed skills have grown
6. Moody deffered me...harv wrote me a "for what it's worth" letter to moody bout it

That's about all thts new with me....n oh yah lyrics to our (uncle n I) song are just about finished recording it very soon
Getting new guitar too


Anonymous said...

hey y don't u ever update ur site?

Anonymous said...

cuz no one ever looks